STEM Education Program and Diploma

Program Overview and Outcomes

After completing the program, program students can expect to be able to produce a STEM play- and project-based learning activity and to adapt a current curricular or learning activity into an integrated STEM activity. Additionally, students will learn how to participate in a STEM inquiry learning activity and how to implement, assess, and monitor student learning during a STEM activity. Program has a strong focus on Finnish pedagogy and Finnish way of learning and teaching. Program is implemented with Claned online learning platform.

We offer for students in this program:

•       Reading materials and case studies

•       Practical work-related assignments

•       Academic reading material

•       Video materials

•       Online lessons 

Program Curriculum

Program consists of 11 modules of relevant topics of learning, STEM and pedagogy. This program is an on-demand program and it can be done at one’s own pace. It takes about 15 hours to complete each module. 

Program can be customised to different organisations and educational levels depending on the target groups.

Program modules

Early Learning and STEM

Deepen your understanding of child development, learn pedagogical methods to support holistic development and to promote STEM learning.


CDIO Pedagogy

Learn to implement CDIO pedagogy in early learning and elementary school. Learn to promote hands-on experimental work in practice.

Learning Technology

Deepen your knowledge of teaching technology in early and elementary education. Integrating technology into practical experiment and other subjects. Pedagogy of teaching programming. Learn to think like a programmer.

Learning Environment and Curriculum

Deepen your knowledge of Finnish learning environments, pedagogical planning and curricular framework. Taking local possibilities into consideration when conducting long and short-term pedagogical planning. 

Playful Learning

Learn the theories of play pedagogy and why play is important for children and learning. Learn to use play to support and engage children’s learning especially in STEM subjects. 

Project-based STEM Learning

Deepen your knowledge of project-based learning in STEM subjects. Basics of project learning. Documentation and evaluation of STEM projects. 

Learning Science

Develop your science teaching knowledge in early and elementary education. Integrating science into practical experiment and other subjects. Learn to think like a scientist.

Imagination and Creativity

Learn to practice a learner-centered, inclusive approach that supports and challenges each child. Learn to promote children to pursue their passions through individual work and reflect on their learning. Learn to promote collaboration, identity development and personal growth. 

Inquiry-based Learning

Learn the theories of inquiry-based learning. Learn practical ways to implement inquiry-based learning in classroom and STEM topics. 

Integrating STEM in Practise

Case projects and experiments. Integrating different STEM subjects into practical experiments and projects. Learn to promote problem-solving and analytical skills. 

Learning Engineering

Deepen your knowledge of teaching engineering related topics in early and elementary education. Learn to think like an engineer.

Enroll now

Online implementation at own pace individually. Next program start 01.01.2024.

Price 490 euros.

Online implementation in a group including 11 online 2 hour f-to-f sessions. Next program start 12.02.2024.

Price 1290 euros.